
Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Klausa Relatif Who/Which

Klausa Relatif Who/Which

Klausa relatif memberikan informasi untuk membantu mendefinisikan sesuatu. Contoh:

I work for a company. >> I work for a company that sells computer software.

Klausa “that sells computer software” memberikan informasi tambahan tentang perusahaan (company) yang dimaksud.

She likes people. >> She likes people who are kind and generous.

Kalimat pertama (She likes people) terlalu umum, sedangkan kalimat kedua memberikan informasi tambahan tentang siapa yang dia sukai.


Klausa which memberikan informasi tentang hal/benda. Contoh:

Where’s the pencil which was on my desk?
He’s moved to an apartment which has a nice view.

That bisa digunakan menggantikan which khususnya dalam bahasa informal. Contoh:

I’d like a job that has a higher salary. – OK
I’d like a job which has a higher salary. – OK

This is the book that I borrowed from Lisa. – OK
This is the book which I borrowed from Lisa. – OK

Seperti disebutkan diatas, which dan that keduanya bisa digunakan dalam Klausa Relatif Esensial, tetapi hanya which yang bisa digunakan dalam Klausa Relatif Non-Esensi